Assalaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh. Ahad lepas kita umat Islam di negara ini dikejutkan dengan kembalinya ke Rahmatullah seorang penceramah dari Pusat Dakwah Islamiah iaitu Drs Ustaz Haji Mohammad Shahroni bin Haji Abdul Kahar. Beliau telah meninggal dunia pada Malam Ahad Jam 11 malam. Jenazah beliau disolatkan di Masjid Kampong Pulaie selepas Solat Fardhu Zuhur pada hari Hari Ahad, 27 Rabiulawwal 1436 bersamaan 18 Januari 2015M. Ketika bertugas di Temburong, me pernah menjemput Allahyarham untuk berceramah di tempat kerja sebanyak 2 kali iaitu sempena bulan Ramadhan dan sempena Isra Mi'raj. Beliau suka membuat usikan selamba di dalam ceramahnya. Ertinya, siapa faham usikannya pasti tersengih-sengih tapi yang tak faham pula akan selamba buat-buat faham. Tapi itu dah 10 tahun yang lalu. Baru-baru ne, apabila me online (me jarang online sebab tu blog jarang updated) me terperanjat melihat perubahan ustaz. Lama benar nda nampak. Dari salah satu ceramahnya, me belajar mengetahui tentang kewujudan hadith palsu. Apa-apapun kita sedekah bacaan Surah Al-Faatihah kepada Allahyarham, Al-Faatihah.
Selasa, 20 Januari 2015
Isnin, 19 Januari 2015
BOLKIAH GARISON, Saturday 1 Sept 2012 – Satu sesi persidangan media telah berlangsung di Bangunan Institut Pertahanan dan Pengajian Strategik Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Bolkiah Garison untuk memaklumkan hasil penemuan Lembaga Penyiasat Tertinggi terhadap Kejadian Nahas Pesawat Bell212 milik Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei yang telah mengakibatkan kematian 12 orang dan kecederaan kepada 2 orang anggota ABDB.
Mewakili panel dari Kementerian Pertahanan semasa sesi persidangan tersebut ialah Dato Paduka Haji Mustappa bin Haji Sirat, Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Mejar Jeneral Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, Pemerintah ABDB, dan Laksamana Pertama Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Mohd Hanifah, Pemerintah Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei selaku Ketua Lembaga Penyiasatan Tertinggi.
Laporan dari Ketua Lembaga Penyiasatan tertinggi telah menyatakan bahawa Pesawat Bell 212 milik Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei bersama 14 orang anggota (3 krew pesawat dan 2 jurulatih, 1 kakitangan dan 8 Pegawai Kadet, Sekolah Pegawai Kadet) telah terhempas berdekatan dengan Wasai Wang Tebadak, Mukim Labi pada hari Jumaat, 20 Julai 2012 ketika membuat penugasan pengangkutan balik anggota yang telah menjalani latihan ketenteraan dari Tapak Pendaratan KB 404 ke Tapak Pendaratan KB 199. Pesawat tersebut dipercayai terhempas kira-kira jam 10.15 pagi.
Pesawat berlepas dari pangkalan TUDB sekitar jam 8.55 pagi dan perhubungan radio terakhir pesawat dengan Brunei Radar ialah pada jam 9.17 pagi. Mengikut prosedur penerbangan Kawalan Lalulintas Udara, Jabatan Penerbangan Awam, setiap pesawat yang beroperasi di ruang udara negara adalah dikehendaki membuat perhubungan ‘ops normal call’ setiap 30 minit. Akan tetapi tidak ada sebarang perhubungan yang dibuat selepas itu dan pihak Kawalan Lalulintas Udara, Jabatan Penerbangan Awam tidak melakukan tindakan ‘INCERFA’ (uncertainty phase) dan memaklumkan kepada pihak ABDB untuk melaksanakan distress procedure. Ini berlarutan sehingga beberapa jam kemudian mengakibatkan tindakan ‘alerting service’ tidak dilaksanakan mengikut prosedur.
Operasi Mencari dan Menyelamat hanya dimulakan sejurus pesawat tersebut disahkan hilang oleh pihak Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei kira-kira jam 1.53 petang. Serpihan pesawat ditemui di kawasan berdekatan Wasai Wang Tebadak kira-kira jam 3.55 petang.
Kementerian Pertahanan dan ABDB telah menubuhkan satu Lembaga Penyiasatan Tertinggi pada 25 Julai 2012. Lembaga ini dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjalankan penyiasatan ke atas pesawat yang terhempas dan mencari punca serta fakta-fakta yang berhubung kait dengan kemalangan tersebut serta membuat saranan-saranan yang perlu diambil agar kemalangan seumpama ini tidak berulang lagi.
Lembaga Penyiasatan ini juga dibantu oleh beberapa buah organisasi pakar penyiasatan pesawat dari luar negeri iaitu Pratt and Whitney Canada dan Bell Textron United States dan United States Army Combat Readiness Center – Air Accident Investigation Team. Lembaga Penyiasatan telah mendapati fakta-fakta berikut:
a. Environment. Cuaca semasa kejadian adalah baik dan tidak menjejaskan operasi penerbangan.
b. Material. ‘Airworthiness’ pesawat tersebut adalah ditahap yang sepatutnya. Tiada bukti yang menjurus kepada pesawat menghadapi sebarang masalah teknikal sebelum pesawat terhempas. Perkara ini turut disahkan oleh 3 tim penyiasat luar negara yang berasingan.
Fakta punca kemalangan adalah seperti berikut:
a. Human Factor. Punca utama pesawat tersebut terhempas ialah atas kesilapan manusia (Human Error). Pesawat berkenaan terlibat dalam Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) semasa membuat penerbangan unauthorised low level flying.
b. Procedure. Juruterbang telah melakukan penerbangan yang bertentangan dengan prosedur iaituunauthorised low level flying.
Lembaga Penyiasatan secara gambaran terdekat mendapati bahawa sebelum kejadian, juruterbang telah melakukan unauthorised low level flying dengan kelajuan sekitar 60-80 knots dikawasan Wasai Wang Tebadak (LP KB 195A) dan seterusnya telah mengerengkan (banking) pesawat dengan anggaran 45 darjah untuk mengikuti laluan sungai. Pesawat telah tersasar dan terturun dari ketinggian asal disebabkan faktor G-force. Pesawat merempuh dahan-dahan kayu pokok pertama dan tidak melalui laluan yang dihasratkan setelah didalam keadaan straight and level. Pada saat-saat akhir pesawat cuba untuk menaikkan ketinggian tetapi tidak berhasil dan terus merempuh dua pokok besar.
Beberapa saranan tegas telah diajukan dalam laporan awal pertama pada 6 Ogos 2012 dan beberapa tindakan khususnya dalam menguatkan lagi proses dan prosedur serta aspek keselamatan telah diambil. Laporan lengkap akan dihadapkan pada 16 September 2012, termasuk saranan-saranan bagi memastikan kejadian seperti ini tidak akan berulang lagi. Insya’Allah.
Turut dikendalikan pada hari ini ialah satu sesi berasingan bagi penyampaian laporan Lembaga Penyiasatan Tertinggi kepada ahli-ahli keluarga anggota ABDB yang terlibat dalam kejadian nahas pesawat Bell212. Sesi tersebut telah berlangsung pada sebelah tengahari di Mes Pegawai Bolkiah Garisen.
a. Environment. Cuaca semasa kejadian adalah baik dan tidak menjejaskan operasi penerbangan.
b. Material. ‘Airworthiness’ pesawat tersebut adalah ditahap yang sepatutnya. Tiada bukti yang menjurus kepada pesawat menghadapi sebarang masalah teknikal sebelum pesawat terhempas. Perkara ini turut disahkan oleh 3 tim penyiasat luar negara yang berasingan.
Fakta punca kemalangan adalah seperti berikut:
a. Human Factor. Punca utama pesawat tersebut terhempas ialah atas kesilapan manusia (Human Error). Pesawat berkenaan terlibat dalam Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) semasa membuat penerbangan unauthorised low level flying.
b. Procedure. Juruterbang telah melakukan penerbangan yang bertentangan dengan prosedur iaituunauthorised low level flying.
Lembaga Penyiasatan secara gambaran terdekat mendapati bahawa sebelum kejadian, juruterbang telah melakukan unauthorised low level flying dengan kelajuan sekitar 60-80 knots dikawasan Wasai Wang Tebadak (LP KB 195A) dan seterusnya telah mengerengkan (banking) pesawat dengan anggaran 45 darjah untuk mengikuti laluan sungai. Pesawat telah tersasar dan terturun dari ketinggian asal disebabkan faktor G-force. Pesawat merempuh dahan-dahan kayu pokok pertama dan tidak melalui laluan yang dihasratkan setelah didalam keadaan straight and level. Pada saat-saat akhir pesawat cuba untuk menaikkan ketinggian tetapi tidak berhasil dan terus merempuh dua pokok besar.
Beberapa saranan tegas telah diajukan dalam laporan awal pertama pada 6 Ogos 2012 dan beberapa tindakan khususnya dalam menguatkan lagi proses dan prosedur serta aspek keselamatan telah diambil. Laporan lengkap akan dihadapkan pada 16 September 2012, termasuk saranan-saranan bagi memastikan kejadian seperti ini tidak akan berulang lagi. Insya’Allah.
Turut dikendalikan pada hari ini ialah satu sesi berasingan bagi penyampaian laporan Lembaga Penyiasatan Tertinggi kepada ahli-ahli keluarga anggota ABDB yang terlibat dalam kejadian nahas pesawat Bell212. Sesi tersebut telah berlangsung pada sebelah tengahari di Mes Pegawai Bolkiah Garisen.
Ahad, 18 Januari 2015
BOLKIAH GARRISON, Saturday 1 Sept 2012 - A Press Conference session was held today at Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Bolkiah Garrison.
The conference served to inform on the findings of the Top Board of Inquiry on the Bell212 aircraft owned by Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) that crashed resulting the deaths of 12 people and injuries to 2 members of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF).
Representing the panel from the Ministry of Defence during the press conference was Dato Paduka Haji Mustappa bin Haji Sirat, Deputy Minister of Defence, Major General Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Hj Abidin, Commander of Royal Brunei Armed Forces, and the First Admiral Dato Seri Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Mohd Hanifah, Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy who is also the Chief of the Top Board of Inquiry (BOI).
Report from the Chief of the Top Board of Inquiry has stated that the Bell 212 aircraft belonging to the RBAirF with 14 personnel (three members of the crew and 2 trainers, 1 staff and 8 Officer Cadets, Officer Cadet School) has crashed near the Wasai Wang Tebadak, Mukim Labi on Friday, July 20, 2012 while on return assignment transporting personnel who had undergone military training from the landing site KB 404 to landing site KB 199. The aircraft was believed to have crashed at about 10.15 am.
The RBAirF aircraft departed from the air base at approximately 8:55 am and the last aircraft radio contact with the Brunei Radar was at 9:17 am. According to the Department of Civil Aviation Air Traffic Control flight procedures, each aircraft operating in national air space is required to make the 'ops normal calls every 30 minutes. However, no contact was made after that and the Air Traffic Control, Civil Aviation Department neither took action for 'INCERFA' (uncertainty Phase) nor inform the RBAF to execute distress procedure. This continued until a few hours later resulting in "alerting service" not being carried out according to procedures.
Search and Rescue operations only began when the aircraft was certified to be missing by the RBAirF at about 1:53 pm. Aircraft debris were found in the area near Wasai Wang Tebadak at about 3:55 pm.
Ministry of Defence and RBAF had set up a Top Board of Inquiry on July 25, 2012. The board is responsible for conducting the investigation into the aircraft crash and to find the causes and facts related to the accident and to make recommendations to prevent the re-occurrence of such incident.
The Board of Inquiry was also assisted by a number of specialist organizations from overseas such as aircraft investigation of Pratt and Whitney Canada and Bell Textron United States and the United States Army Combat Readiness Center - Air Accident Investigation Team. The Board of Inquiry identified the following facts:
a. Environment. The weather condition was good during the incident and did not affect flight operations.
b. Material. Aircraft 'Worthiness' was at the appropriate level. There was no evidence indicating that the aircraft encountered any technical problems prior to the crash. The finding was also individually confirmed by the 3 foreign investigating teams.
b. Material. Aircraft 'Worthiness' was at the appropriate level. There was no evidence indicating that the aircraft encountered any technical problems prior to the crash. The finding was also individually confirmed by the 3 foreign investigating teams.
Factual causes of the accident are as follows:
a. Human Factor. The main cause of the aircraft crash was due to human error. The aircraft was involved in Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) while conducing unauthorized low level flying.
b. Procedure. Pilot had conducted a flight in breach of the procedures, that is unauthorised low level flying.
The Board of Inquiry, through a closer look, found that prior to the incident, the pilot had conducted an unauthorised low level flying with speeds around 60-80 knots in the Wasai Wang Tebadak area (LP KB 195A) and subsequently banking the aircraft at an estimated 45 degrees to follow the path of the river. The aircraft drifted and had strayed from the original height due to G-force factor. The aircraft crashed into the branches of the first tree and not following the intended route when in straight and level condition. At the last moment, the aircraft attempted to raise the height of the aircraft but failed and continued to hit two large trees.
Several firm recommendations were forwarded in the first preliminary report on August 6, 2012 and a number of actions in particular in strengthening the process and procedures as well as safety aspects have been taken. The full report will be presented on 16 September 2012, including advisory to ensure that such incident does not reoccur. Insya'Allah.
Simultaneously today, a separate briefing session was also held on the Top Board of Inqurity report for family members of the RBAF personnel involved in the Bell212 aircraft crash incident. The session was held in the afternoon at the Officers' Mess, Bolkiah Garisen.
- MinDef Website
Selasa, 6 Januari 2015
DSCA News Release: Brunei – C-130J Aircraft
WASHINGTON, Oct 7, 2014 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Brunei for C-130J aircraft and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $343 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on October 6, 2014.
The Government of Brunei has requested a sale of 1 C-130J aircraft, 6 AE2100D3 turboprop engines (4 installed and 2 spares), Government Furnished Equipment, communication equipment, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $343 million.
This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to strengthen the U.S.-Brunei relationship, which has been a force for regional stability and economic progress in Southeast Asia.
This proposed sale of a C-130J to Brunei will provide a critical capability to assist in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief missions. The aircraft will enable Brunei to provide aid and assistance in greater capacities to regional allies and partners in need. The aircraft will also provide the ability to execute maritime patrol missions and contribute to search and rescue missions in the region. Brunei should have no difficulty absorbing this aircraft into its inventory.
The proposed sale of this aircraft and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractor will be Lockheed Martin-Aerospace in Marietta, Georgia. There are no known offset agreements in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Brunei.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs,
US clears way for Brunei purchase of Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules
Siti Hajar
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THE United States Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has confirmed that the US State Department has approved the possible sale of a Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules medium-lift military transport aircraft and six Rolls Royce AE2100D3 turbo-propeller engines to the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
“I can confirm that we are looking to acquire the C-130J through the United States Defence Department and we are looking forward to making further progress in the procurement process,” Dato Paduka Awang Haji Mustappa bin Haji Sirat, Deputy Minister of Defence told the Bulletin yesterday.
“Training will also be included in the package and we are still hoping for further progress,” he said, adding that this was “welcome news”.
Brunei had requested clearance from US authorities to purchase the tactical transport aircraft, along with equipment, spare parts and associated training and logistical support for a total of US$343 million, the US DSCA announced on October 7. All the necessary certification were duly submitted before the US Congress for approval the previous day.
File photo of a C-130J Super Hercules. – COURTESY OF LOCKHEED MARTIN
“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to strengthen US-Brunei relations, which has been a force for regional stability and economic progress in Southeast Asia,” said the DSCA in a press statement.
“The aircraft will enable Brunei to provide aid and assistance in greater capacities to regional allies and partners in need. Brunei should have no difficulty absorbing this aircraft into its inventory.”
During the Royal Brunei Air Force’s (RBAirF) 48th anniversary celebrations on June 24, its commander, Brigadier General (U) Wardi bin Abdul Latip first confirmed that the RBAirF was looking to acquire the C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft and that the aircraft would considerably increase the capabilities of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions in the region and beyond.
The acquisition of the aircraft, once completed, would mark another milestone for the RBAF as it continues to plot its progress for capability modernisation that has been set out through the Defence White Papers and Updates.
One such milestone was achieved with the delivery of the first of 12 Sikorsky S-70i BlackHawk medium-lift helicopters that are set to replace the ageing Bell 212 workhorses of the RBAirF fleet.
Used primarily by the US military and Royal Air Force of the British Armed Forces, the C-130J Super Hercules is a four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft with new engines, flight deck and other systems developed from the C-130 Hercules.
Variants of the C-130 Hercules are also in service today with the armed forces of Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
The possible deployment of this aircraft during the RBAF’s peace monitoring and peacekeeping missions to the southern Philippines province of Mindanao and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon would allow for greater range, load capacity and increased flexibility in carrying out any number of missions entrusted with the Sultanate’s armed forces.
- Borneo Bulletin. October 09, 2014
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